Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Three Hour Tour...(a three hour tour...)

Today, I became a 'real person.' I'd have to say it was quite satisfying and enjoyable. As I was under the distinct impression that first days aren't often this way, I was certainly not expecting this. I never once felt awkward, everyone was very welcoming and I even scored some really sweet stuff. Perhaps my only complaint was the shoes...there aren't many 'dressy' shoes that can accommodate a three hour tour of a recreational facility + a short walk to lunch/30 minutes straight standing time in line + a medium walk to some dedication thing + what seemed like a mountainous hike to my car in the parking garage. I have spared you (and myself) of any photos of the resulting blisters. Yep. Not real sure what shoes I will - or can! - wear tomorrow.

Moving on...let's just start with the "First Day of Work" outfit (as pictured below). Now, even though my mother took the photo and the backdrop is nearly identical to my "First Day of Seventh Grade" photo, both the outfit and the sentiment are entirely different. Okay...maybe just the outfit. Still. Documentation through photos is fairly important to me, thus the resulting image below.

Concerning the sweet stuff I scored, I'd just like to say that I wish it 'twer always this easy. While getting oriented on the time sheet process at my new desk in my new office with my new boss (who rocks) she noted that the Dell keyboard and mouse were insufficient tools for a graphic designer. I'd have to say she was right. And what action! It wasn't like it took 2 weeks for me to learn the misguided shortcut keys and scrub off mouse residue (yes, nearly as nasty as it sounds)...a mere 3 hours later I was given (and got to stand by while others 'installed') a brand new mighty mouse and shiny new keyboard! Fantastic, I tell you!

Next up, a new telephone - for which I will have to learn all the fancy message-retrieving tricks. I think I'm up to the challenge.

Now, onto the REALLY great news. In the hustle and bustle of the day, my boss Emily had forgotten to tell me the biggest perk yet of the already wonderful job until around 4 o'clock this afternoon. Umm...come November 19-21 I'll be in HILTON HEAD, SOUTH CAROLINA for a conference!!! Best first business trip ever! First best business trip ever!!! (Kim, if you ever read this, it's only a 5.5 hour drive for you...)

Welp, that's about all of my exciting news for today. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually DO something pertaining to my job. All in good time, all in good time...


erin said...

Love the outfit. Especially the sweater. Sounds like an awesome job so far! Hilton Head!? I am jealous.

Amy said...

1. I have that sweater (if it's from target...or at least it looks exactly like mine).

2. Sounds like a great first day.

3. Without even knowing you started a blog, I did too this week...crazy. It's more for me to keep track of photos/inspiration though. Maybe of interest to you though. anyway... it's

(similar to yours...again crazy!)