Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cruise Nostalgia: Part Two

[Kind of ironic to be posting this while I'm in Hilton Head, SC in a hotel on the beach for work, but hey - I've got the time and I didn't want to skip this when it comes time to post beach shots!!]

Above: Market in Nice, France...pretty sure these were spices. Pretty sure they were awesome.

Above: Big jacks in the water on the Amalfi coast. They were sweet.

Above: One of my faves...getting warmed up in Venice on our first day.

Above: If you can't beat him, join him. That's how he stands in pics, so I will stand with him. That's the kind of sister I am.

Above: A real fruit smoothie...that's how they roll on Princess. On Carnival it's up for a more loose "a plate of fruit."

Anyway, just a smattering of the 6000+ I took on the trip - maybe someday I'll get big phatty prints done. After I get back from the beach, taking family photos, doing weddings, and not having a job...soooo...never.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cruise Nostalgia: Part One

Due to all of the wonderful times I've recently had with people I'm no longer living in direct community with, I have started to develop a bit of nostalgia. When it comes to the "big photo-worthy" events in my own life (I know, you're thinking do I consider any of my life's events not worthy of photos...? There are different levels people - let me get to the point!) anyway, I tend to get overloaded with photos and then never do anything with them (in term of printing them or making any lasting memory with them. Thanks to technology, I can do my social networking service (ministry, some may call it) by posting an excessive amount of photos on the internets immediately following a quick sort-and-edit routine. Then I get my giggles when other people see them and like them and comment on them and it's all fine and dandy and I feel all warm and fuzzy because the photos served their purpose in bringing [at least an immediate] joy to people I love.

All that to say, it's a temporary high. Those photos get covered up the next week (when I was in school) or the next month...or two...or three (now that I'm 'real'). Either way, they aren't in the forefront and therefore, I believe, are not serving their full purpose. At least not to me.

PLEASE don't think that I'm complaining about people losing interest in the photos I take! That's not the point. The point IS that I spend SOO much time taking photos and loving every second of it, but when they are my personal photos (i.e. not ones people pay me to take, a whole 'nother category entirely. (I feel like I can justifiably use " 'nother" because I acknowledged its ridiculousness with the apostrophe.))...anyway, when it comes to my personal photos I don't dwell after the moments have past. Not that I want to spend more time dwelling in the literal past, but I wish that I spent more energy completing the process of preserving the memories originally captured for that purpose. (And because my friends sometimes hated it. Another 'nother category).

Anyway, here's a shoutout to that. Pretty sure I could have said that in 20 words or less. My blog, my blah blah blah. You know how to scroll... :)

Pimp Daddy Cruise '08 - Oh the drama...

It almost makes me cry just looking through these. And I'm only half kidding. I should rename it "Cry Baby Cruise." (Just remember, VIP line...thanks to my waterworks...)

Gosh we were tan/fried. And sharing dresses. And teasing hair. And teasing Chase. Because he was a pimp daddy. And who could forget...

The best [only] napover I've ever had!!! It was our backup plan for the all-nighter plan. Best idea ever. This picture captures all six of us napperoverers (Mel was almost invited via moving her mattress whilst she slumbered soundly on it...we drew the line at messing with a sleeping Mel though.) and anyway, I thought the sheer handiwork of getting everyone in it (or their awesome plaid shorts) was pretty neat.

Now, goodnight for real. More Cruise fun to look forward to...